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Make Corporate Events Engaging with a Public Speaking Coach
Work with public speaking coaches for corporate events.

Your company culture is one of the most critical aspects of your brand for attracting not only the best talent in your field but also clients and customers. Companies that aren’t proactive about shaping their company culture can end up out of touch with the experience of their employees and without cohesive management techniques across their organization. Internal branding is essential for defining corporate culture. There are many ways to implement branding, but one of the most effective is with corporate events. A public speaking coach helps you take your corporate culture’s concepts and craft them into an engaging presentation for your next company-wide event.

Define the purpose and organizational value of the event.

Every corporate event, even the company holiday party, should bring value to the organization and have an obvious purpose every attendee understands. While your leadership may clearly understand both of these, it can get lost in the activities and messaging for other attendees.

A public speaking coach will help you articulate the purpose and values of the event during presentations while also reinforcing your corporate culture. Attendees will leave feeling connected to the organization, with a clear understanding of why the event was held and the desired takeaway from the experience.

Build buzz with early, on-brand messaging.

One of the best ways to improve engagement with corporate events is to build buzz and excitement long before the day of the event. Use the invitations and early information to share the purpose and highlight the value of the event. Cohesive messaging clarifies the event’s benefits to attendees, and previewing the food, venue, and entertainment can build excitement.

A public speaking coach helps leadership not only give engaging presentations but develop the internal branding surrounding an event, so everything from the invitations onward serves the same purpose.

Keep leadership involved throughout the event.

Your corporate events can help dismantle an “us-versus-them” mentality between team members and your C-suite. By keeping leadership at every level of your organization involved in corporate events, you reinforce their importance for everyone in the company.

Engagement improves when executives show up and stay involved, whether by giving presentations, taking part in activities, or making themselves available to socialize. Employees will feel the value in not only attending but active involvement.

Use experiential presentations more than speeches.

No matter how good the food or nice the venue, if your event schedule is lecture-heavy, don’t be surprised if engagement wanes the next time. Your speakers should inspire and motivate attendees and make them excited to be part of your company.

Public speaking coaches help executives transform their speaking style from dry, informational lectures into experiential and participatory presentations with real-world relevance for employees. The best engagement you can hope for is for employees to feel they’ll learn valuable skills and get unique opportunities at your corporate events.

Leave the presentation to the professionals

Some executives, no matter how committed to professional development, aren’t natural public speakers. Rather than suffer through a presentation that fails to engage the attendees of your corporate event, you can have a public speaking coach present on your behalf.

Nineteen88 Strategies takes time to understand the company culture and an event’s goals. Then we draw upon our extensive background working in executive leadership to give keynote presentations that engage and inspire attendees.

Work with the public speaking coach at Nineteen88 Strategies for your next corporate event.

At Nineteen88 Strategies, we partner with our clients to help them get the most from their company’s leadership, corporate events, and organizational culture. We have over three decades of experience working in business, corporate affairs, and leadership coaching. Our goal is to help organizations achieve sustained growth while remaining adaptive to respond to crises and obstacles.

To activate the full potential of your corporate events, schedule a consultation with our public speaking coach.

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